Supervisory Body

The internal auditing system was extended by Board resolution of 27 March 2006 which endowed the company with an Organisational, Management and Control Model within the meaning of Legislative Decree 231/2001, aimed at subjecting activities entailing the risk of the commission of one or more criminal offences, to specific procedures designed to prevent, discourage and deter the company’s Directors, employees, collaborators or business partners from engaging in unlawful conduct.

The model identifies critical activities — those at risk to the commission of the offences contemplated in Legislative Decree 231/2001 — and establishes a set of procedures aimed at preventing unlawful conduct.

The model also provides for a disciplinary system, entailing the setting up of a Supervisory Body in charge of overseeing compliance with and the implementation of rules of conduct.

The supervisory committee is made up of Iole Anna Savini, Ambrogio Brambilla and Giovanna Galasso, who were appointed on 13 May 2021 by the Board of Directors for the three year period 2021/2023.


Name and surname Date of appointment     Role
Iole Anna Savini                           13/05/2021 Member  
Ambrogio Brambilla 13/05/2021 Member
Giovanna Galasso 13/05/2021 Member

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* = Mandatory data

Data Protection Policy Information (in accordance with art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003)

In accordance with art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03, we inform you that the data provided by you will be handled and used in order to enable the transmission of the material requested, as well as any additional opportunities and promotions offered by Bastogi spa or for market research and/or statistical enquiries.

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- will be handled in accordance with the principles of legality and transparency established by the prevailing legislation and for the aims of the present note.
The provision of your personal data is optional but necessary in order to ensure what you have requested.

In accordance with art. 7 and following of Legislative Decree, you may, at any moment, ask what the origin of your data is, or update, cancel or amend it. Moreover, you may block it partially or totally or oppose that it be handled by contacting the Data Controller, Brioschi Sviluppo Immobiliare spa, via Piranesi, 10, – 20137 Milan – Italy.


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