The attached documents are available only in Italian

Corporate Governance Structure

Brioschi Sviluppo Immobiliare is organised in accordance with a traditional model of organisation and control which is based on the presence of a Board and Statutory Auditors.

Brioschi adheres with the Code of Corporate Governance and has adopted the Ethics Charter and the Code of Conduct, which summarise the corporate values and principles and provide the rules of conduct for the Group.



> Procedures Archives


Corporate Governance Report

The Report provides a general description of the company's governance report and the ownership structure, and contains information relating to the adherence to the Code of Corporate Governance of the listed Italian companies edited in March 2006 and subsequently updated.

The Report also illustrates the main governance practices, the functioning mechanisms of the company bodies and the internal system for the management of risks and control with regard to the process of financial information.


> Report Archive


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